
manufacturing absolute speedometer according to the constancy principle of light speed
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作者: :国家特殊钢产品质量监督检验中心,黄石,中国
关键词: ;;;;;;;;;;;
摘要: 只要光速与光源的运动状态无关,光源的运动不能横向拖动光子,小光源发出的光子的运动路径就是绝对静止的。许多这样的光线的集合是一种绝对静止的构架。可见,由光速不变原理可以直接得到逻辑上绝对静止的东西,光速不变原理与相对性原理有矛盾。一个运动的密闭的箱子中的光源发出的光子的运动路线不能被箱子拖动,是绝对静止的。而箱子是绝对运动的。这样,箱子中的光子的实际运动路线与用几何方法确定的发射路线不一致。它们之间的夹角称为内光行差。根据测得的三个相互垂直方向上的内光行差角就可以计算出观察者自身的绝对速度。这种箱子就是绝对速度计。
abstract: as long as the speed of light is independent of the motion state of the light source, the motion of the light source cannot laterally drag the photons, and the motion path of the photons emitted by the small light source is absolutely stationary. many of these collections of light are an absolutely static framework. it can be seen that the things of logically absolutely static can be directly obtained by the constancy principle of light speed, and there is a contradiction between the principle of constant speed of light and the principle of relativity. the path of the photons emitted by the light source in a moving closed box cannot be dragged by the box and is absolutely static. the box is absolutely sporty. thus, the actual path of motion of the photons in the box is inconsistent with the launch path determined by geometrical method. the angle between them is called the inner aberration. the absolute speed of the observer itself can be calculated from the measured inner aberration in three mutually perpendicular directions. this box is an absolute speedometer.
文章引用:涂润生. 根据光速不变原理制造绝对速度计[j]. 汉斯预印本, 2019, 4(1): 1-6.


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