



  • 扉页
    head page
  • 内容提要
  • 胡文祥学术简历
    hu wenxiang’s academic resume
  • 前言
  • 目录
  • 第一章 科研创新与新闻报道
    chapter 1: scientific research innovation and news reports
  • 第二章 宇宙学与虚拟宇宙相关新视点
    chapter 2: new perspectives on cosmology and virtual universe
  • 第三章 哲学相关新视点
    chapter 3: new perspectives on philosophy
  • 第四章 社会科学相关新视点
    chapter 4: new perspectives on social sciences
  • 第五章 军事科学相关新视点
    chapter 5: new perspectives on military sciences
  • 第六章 岁月峥嵘 梦境依然
    chapter 6: years is like the wind and dream is still
  • 第七章 研究年谱与论著专利成果目录
    chapter 7: research chronology and publications, patent, achievement catalogue
  • 附录一 人在桥上 桥在景中
    appendix 1: the person is on the bridge, the bridge is in the scene
  • 附录二 东方气韵(歌曲)
    appendix 2: oriental charm (song)
读者人群: 本书可供哲学、宇宙学、社会科学和自然科学相关领域及边缘、交叉学科领域的科教工作者和高校师生及广大军民参考。
3 扉页
head page
作者: 《千桥飞梦》编写组
| (281kb)
5 内容提要
作者: 《千桥飞梦》编写组
| (186kb)
16 胡文祥学术简历
hu wenxiang’s academic resume
作者: 《千桥飞梦》编写组
| (363kb)
20 前言
作者: 《千桥飞梦》编写组
| (815kb)
28 目录
作者: 《千桥飞梦》编写组
| (912kb)
109 第一章 科研创新与新闻报道
chapter 1: scientific research innovation and news reports
作者: 《千桥飞梦》编写组
| (5788kb)
161 第二章 宇宙学与虚拟宇宙相关新视点
chapter 2: new perspectives on cosmology and virtual universe
作者: 《千桥飞梦》编写组
| (21458kb)
231 第三章 哲学相关新视点
chapter 3: new perspectives on philosophy
作者: 《千桥飞梦》编写组
| (677kb)
251 第四章 社会科学相关新视点
chapter 4: new perspectives on social sciences
作者: 《千桥飞梦》编写组
| (2854kb)
301 第五章 军事科学相关新视点
chapter 5: new perspectives on military sciences
作者: 《千桥飞梦》编写组
| (15024kb)
424 第六章 岁月峥嵘 梦境依然
chapter 6: years is like the wind and dream is still
作者: 《千桥飞梦》编写组
| (22361kb)
474 第七章 研究年谱与论著专利成果目录
chapter 7: research chronology and publications, patent, achievement catalogue
作者: 《千桥飞梦》编写组
| (1211kb)
482 附录一 人在桥上 桥在景中
appendix 1: the person is on the bridge, the bridge is in the scene
作者: 《千桥飞梦》编写组
| (5212kb)
485 附录二 东方气韵(歌曲)
appendix 2: oriental charm (song)
作者: 《千桥飞梦》编写组
| (401kb)

2012年至2013年 北京大学 党政干部理论学习班
2002年12月 访问欧洲
2001年至2002年 北京大学光华管理学院 emba 学习班
1999年1月至3月 美国麻省理工学院访问学者
1997年12月 访问香港科技大学和驻港部队
1985年至1989年 理学博士、研究生联合会主席,中国科学院上海有机化学研究所
1982年至1985年 工学硕士,总参谋部防化研究院第四研究所
1982年至1984年 北京大学医学部药学院(原北京医科大学)攻读研究生基础课程
1983年7月至9月 北京大学化学系 教育部化学动力学研讨班
1978年至1982年 工学学士,武汉工程大学化工与制药学院

2016年至今 中国人民解放军战略支援部队航天系统部研究员、北京神剑天军医学科学院院长
2006年至2015年 北京市特聘教授、首都师范大学物理有机与药物化学研究所所长、中国人民解放军总装备部某部研究员
1996年至2005年 中国人民解放军总装备部军事医学研究所研究员、所长,大校军衔
2003年5月 中国工程院院士正式候选人
1989年至1995年 军事医学科学院六所助研、副研、院学委会药化秘书

1) 创立了以比较化学和有机微波化学等为代表的一系列交叉边缘新学科。
2) 二大统一论(精神神经递质统一论和物理化学重要公式的统一基础),二大药学原理(广义电子等排原理、量子药理学或量子酶学原理)。
3) 三大药学规律(抗胆碱能药物抗n样作用规律、天然药物全息生物学规律、药效基组合规律),三大规则(四原子规则、有机化学反应选择性规则、有机离子反应催化剂选择规则),三大效应(f轨道配位场效应、dna中电子的隧道效应、非经典跨环轨道超共轭效应),三大哲学或社科新概念(讨论出真知、多角度定律、后共产主义时代)。 非有机、药物化学专业的部分新论点被收集在三卷本的《千桥飞梦》著作中。业余合作创作了三首主旋律歌曲,分别发布在兵团卫视和全国主要知名网站上:《就这样跟你走——献给十八大的歌》《反恐战士之歌》《东方气韵——献给十九大的歌》。
4) 四大天体物理学论点(宇宙元素有限论、地球膨胀论、大陆漂移新因论、太阳活动影响的世界和平论),四大“广义”概念(广义哲学、广义组合化学、广义酶和广义dna),四大组合方法学(组合理论计算、组合分子设计、组合催化合成、组合筛选方法),有力推动相关学科领域向深度和广度发展。
5) 预言五大力场波(预言弱力波、强力波、超弦波、斥力波和第五种力场波的存在,就像爱因斯坦预言的引力波那样,百年内就有可能被人类检测到)。担任五个国际学术期刊主编:《药物化学》《微波化学》《比较化学》《交叉科学快报》《合成化学研究》。先后任《化学通报》《中国药物化学杂志》《科学scientific american中文版》《中国医药导刊》《武汉工程大学学报》等学术期刊编委。中国大地震地缘分布的2h五平行线区域理论。
6) 先后发起或举办了“全国火箭推进剂学术大会”、“全国隐身功能材料学术研讨会”、“中国化学会全国微波化学学术研讨会”、“全国分析样品制备学术研讨会”、“全国公共安全中的化学问题学术研讨会”、“后基因组时代国际新药研发学术研讨会”等一系列学术会议。在制海权、制陆权和制空权基础上,又提出了制天权、制电磁权、制网权、制心权、制金权及制组合权等军事科学新概念。
7) 成功研发了七大系列国防高科技新产品(微波化学系列仪器、飞天系列健康保障品、火箭推进剂系列防护装备与救援药物、有机磷农药和神经性化学战剂中毒防治药物、三降药物与保健食品、反恐系列机动装备),其中,飞天系列健康保障品注册了两大类共19个商标:太空类10个,包括飞天、天军、星空、神舟祥瑞、天王星、海王星、火卫一、木卫二、土卫六、军王星;强军类9个,包括:强军康、眠尔康、钙维康、钙力康、军泰康、军旨康、军唐康、利军康、军王康。特别是祥鹄系列微波化学仪器和飞天(航天)系列健康保障品两大类高科技产品,分别荣获中国产学研合作创新成果一等奖和中国发明协会发明创业成果一等奖,已经推广军民两用,成为我国民族产业的知名品牌,产生了显著的军事经济社会效益。
8) 大力倡导八大系列交叉边缘新学科,如下所示。
a) 比较论系列:除了比较文学、比较解剖学等外,比较化学、比较哲学、比较政治学、比较社会学、比较生物学、比较人类学、比较考古学、比较历史学、比较地理学、比较天文学、比较宇宙学、比较人工智能学、比较网络学等。
b) 组合论系列:除了组合数学外,组合化学、协同组合化学、广义组合化学、组合社会学、组合生物学、组合仪器学、组合宇宙学等。
c) 统一论系列:除物理学统一论、几何学统一论(欧几里德几何学)外,还主张化学统一论、生物学统一论、神经科学统一论等。
d) 地(金)缘论系列:除地缘政治学外,地缘人类学、地缘生物学、地缘语言学、地缘经济学、地缘社会学、地缘法律学(比较法学)、地缘军事学、天缘生物学、天缘经济学、金缘政治学等。
e) 力学系列:除传统的经典力学即牛顿力学、分析力学即拉格朗日力学、电动力学、统计力学、量子力学、材料力学、地质力学等外,政治力学、经济力学、社会力学、心理力学、军事力学、文化力学等。
f) 热力学系列:经济热力学、政治热力学、社会热力学、天体热力学和宇宙热力学等。
g) 网络系列:除网络战争学(网战、网络空间战)外,网络社会学、网络经济学、网络政治学、神经网络学、网络计算学、网络药理学等。
h) 其它系列:社会生物学、生物社会学等,控度论、经济控制论、社会控制论、生物控制论等,社会进化论、文化进化论等,社会协同论、文化协同论等,分子社会学、分子心理学、分子美食学、分子文物学或分子考古学等等。指导培养博士后、博士研究生和硕士研究生共88名,部分同志已留学海外,部分同志已成长为祖国社会主义建设的栋梁之才。
9) 创立著名的胡氏九大公式,包括胡氏公式(核磁共振)、胡氏方程式(不对称合成热力学)、胡氏不等式(微波化学或催化化学)、胡氏自由能方程(萃取及湿法冶金)、胡氏近平衡态方程(近平衡态动力学)和胡氏约等式(社会生物学)、胡氏生物寿命计算公式(寿命生物学)、胡氏周期元素数量计算公式(化学元素周期表)、胡氏心理力学第四定律公式(心理学)等。推广建立了九大宇宙学原理(微宇自旋普存原理、宇宙成团普存原理、宇宙易感普存原理、天体液滴原理、宇宙相对性原理、宇宙不完备性原理、宇宙重演律、宇宙差异律、广义马赫原理)。先后兼任九所高等院校教授:清华大学客座教授,华中科技大学、第三军医大学、昆明理工大学、西南民族大学、青海民族大学、北京工商大学兼职教授,武汉工程大学教授,首都师范大学特聘教授。先后担任九个学会职务:中国军事未来研究会副理事长、中国医药保健研究会副理事长、中国分析仪器学会副理事长、中国化学会公共安全化学专业委员会副主任、中国化学会应用化学学科委员会委员、中国电子学会微波化学专业委员会副主任、中国化工学会微波能化工应用专业委员会副主任、中国化学会常务理事、中国能源学会常务理事。
10) 撰著或主编出版了十一部影响较广泛深远、颇受读者喜爱的著作:《协同组合化学》《比较化学--构筑量子化学通向分子药学的桥梁》《分析样品制备》《微波卫生防护概论》《载人航天工程火箭推进剂安全科学概论》《火箭推进剂损伤应急救援工程》《航天与健康》《心理战与反心理战》《阿片受体分子药学》和《反恐技术方略》(后者获2014年中国石油与化学工业优秀出版物奖一等奖);英文著作《催化合成和取代基效应》一部。 先后应邀到下列十个部队单位做学术演讲,受到热烈欢迎!包括:酒泉卫星发射中心、太原卫星发射中心、西昌卫星发射中心、第二十三试验训练基地、第三十一试验训练基地、第三十三试验训练基地、中国航天员科研训练中心、北京航天城、空军医学研究所、第三军医大学等单位。 应邀先后到下列二十所高等院校做学术报告,颇受广大师生喜爱!包括:清华大学、北京大学、北京工业大学、首都师范大学、北京工商大学、天津大学、武汉大学、武汉工程大学、湖北师范学院、中南民族大学、重庆大学、广西大学、广州大学、大连民族学院、青海民族大学、邯郸学院、西南民族大学、华东师范大学、浙江海洋大学、昆明理工大学等高校。 应邀到全国各地发表公众(每次几百人至几千人)科普演讲几百次,常常激动人心;多次应邀到全国学术会议或国际会议做大会或分会邀请报告。
11) 胡文祥18岁时就解决了一大世界难题:推导出了宇宙中化学元素个数的极限值138。26岁解决了两个世界化学难题:一是在归纳总结磷-31核磁共振化学位移变化五条经验规律基础上,创立了重核核外电子云球对称性屏蔽效应新原理,并依此建立了各类有机磷酸酯p-31 nmr化学位移计算方程。二是在建立双环磷酸酯模型基础上,成功分离了有机磷化合物取代基的极性与空间效应,解决了这一物理有机化学领域难题,建立了有机磷酸酯萃取分离金属离子线性自由能关系。37岁解决了人类寿命到底可以延长多久这一世界难题,在现有基因结构基本不变的前提下,人类个体理想的最长寿命可望达到225岁。
12) 先后荣获国家科技进步二等奖2项(排名第一),军队科技进步一等奖及其他省部级科技进步一等奖或者技术发明一等奖3项(排名第一),军队科技进步二等奖和国防科工委科技进步二等奖共9项、军队科技进步三等奖32项。发表中英文学术论文616篇、出版著作30部,个人论著数量和获奖数量居全军之首。获得国家或国防发明专利35项,成功主持研发了多个高科技产品,配发相关航天部队和联合国维和部队。 荣获中国化学会优秀青年化学奖,中国物理学会王天眷波谱学奖,政府特殊津贴,中国科协“求是”杰出青年实用工程奖,总装载人航天工程创新二等奖,科学中国人年度人物、杰出青年科学家奖,荣聘北京市特聘教授。所获国务院、中央军委及北京市政府奖励现价值总额超过了两个诺贝尔奖。荣立了个人三等功1次、个人二等功1次和集体二等功2次。时任中共中央总书记江泽民同志和胡锦涛同志分别亲切接见了胡文祥教授。中共中央政治局委员、中央军委副主席曹刚川上将亲切勉励胡文祥博士“多出快出高新科技成果是硬道理”;中央军委委员、总装备部部长李继耐上将视察胡博士领导的军事医学研究所时,要求全体官兵“牢记使命,坚持姓军为兵的正确方向,多出服务部队提高战斗力的高水平科研成果”;中央军委委员、总后勤部部长王克上将高度赞扬胡博士的科研成果为保障军民健康、提高部队战斗力做出了突出贡献。他曾经常深入部队一线,想部队之所想,急部队之所急,干部队之所需。
中国人民解放军总装备部政治部宣传部副部长、国防工业出版社党委书记、军旅知名作家张月谭大校为胡文祥博士专门撰写了2整版的纪实文学报道“创新之歌”,在报刊发表后,获得广大官兵的好评。《中国军工报》副总编、原国防科工委政治部宣传部副部长刘江海大校曾赠墨宝:“好人好官好学者——文星耀中华 祥和军旅程”。《中国军工报》军事部原主任汤志荣大校撰写了2个整版的新闻报道“浅水腾蛟龙”,引起广大军民的良好反响。防化研究院副院长孙玉波大校曾赞扬:“胡博士总是喜欢思考问题,不仅白天在思考问题,而且晚上睡觉也在思考问题,总是思考未来的前沿问题,正是生命不息,思考不止。”。《人民日报》记者蒋建科和新华社记者田兆运曾说过广为传颂的名句:胡文祥不在实验室,就在去实验室的路上。《中国军工报》的“博士胡文祥有点忙”,为上至中央军委首长下至普通士兵所熟知,胡文祥博士还被誉为“胡牛顿”、“胡因斯坦”、“科技英雄”、“攻关英雄”和“托起宇宙飞船的人”。

basic information
wenxiang hu, doctoral degree, professor, doctoral supervisor, researcher of the pla strategic support force, and president of beijing shenjian tianjun academy of medical sciences

educational experience
2012-2013 theory class for party and government cadres, peking university
december 2002 visiting to europe
2001-2002 emba class of guanghua school of management, peking university
january-march 1999 visiting scholar at massachusetts institute of technology
december 1997 visiting to hong kong university of science and technology and the hong kong troops
1985-1989 doctor of science, president of graduate union, shanghai institute of organic chemistry, chinese academy of sciences
1982-1985 master of engineering, the fourth institute of the general staff academy of chemical defense
1982-1984 studying basic postgraduate courses in school of pharmacy, department of medicine, peking university (formerly beijing medical university)
july-september 1983 chemical dynamics seminar, department of chemistry, peking university and ministry of education
1978-1982 bachelor of engineering, school of chemical engineering and pharmacy, wuhan institute of technology
work experience
2016 up to now researcher of the aerospace systems department of the pla strategic support force, and president of beijing shenjian tianjun academy of medical sciences
2006-2015 specially appointed professor of beijing municipality, director of institute of physical organic and medicine chemistry, capital normal university, and researcher of pla general armaments department
1996-2005 researcher, director and party secretary of the military medical research institute of pla general armaments department, and rank of senior colonel
may 2003 candidate of academician of chinese academy of engineering
1989-1995 research assistant, associate researcher and secretary of pharmaceutical chemistry committee of academy of military medical sciences

academic achievements
with aerospace military medicine and organic medicinal chemistry as the main axis and with philosophy and cosmology as the two wings, professor wenxiang hu has made a series of remarkable achievements in the interdisciplinary innovative research and exploration. some are summarized in the following major aspects.
1) he established a series of new interdisciplinary disciplines represented by comparative chemistry and organic microwave chemistry etc.
2) he put forward two unified theories (the theory of spirituality and neurotransmitter unification and the unified basis for important formulas of physical chemistry), and two principles of pharmacology (generalized electron isosterism principle and principle of quantum pharmacology or quantum enzymology).
3) he discovered three pharmaceutical laws (functional law of anticholinergic drug with anti-nicotic activity, natural drug holographic biological law, and law of pharmacophore combination), three rules (four atomic rules, selectivity rule for organic chemical reaction, and selection rule for organic ion reaction catalyst), three major effects (f orbital ligand field effect, the tunnel effect of electrons in dna, and non-classical transannular hyperconjugation effect), and put forward three new concepts of philosophy or social sciences (accessing to true knowledge through discussion, multi-angle law, and the post-communist era); some new arguments for disciplines other than organic and medicinal chemistry are collected in the three volumes of qianqiao feimeng. in spare time he also co-authored three theme songs (“follow you—a song consecrated for the 18th cpc national congress”, “the song of the warriors against terror” and “oriental charm—a song consecrated for the 19th cpc national congress”), which were respectively published on military satellite tv and the major websites in china.
4) he bears four astrophysical viewpoints (viewpoint of finite cosmic element, viewpoint of earth expansion, viewpoint of new reasons of continental drift, viewpoint of solar activity affecting world peace), put forward four “generalized” concepts (generalized philosophy, generalized combinatorial chemistry, generalized enzyme and generalized dna), developed four combinatorial methodologies (combinatorial theoretical calculation, combinatorial molecular design, combinatorial catalytic synthesis, and combinatorial screening method). he has vigorously promoted the development of relevant disciplines in both depth and breadth.
5) he predicted the existence of five field waves (weak wave, strong wave, superstring wave, repulsive wave and the fifth kind of field wave, just like the gravitational wave predicted by einstein, which may be detected by human beings within a hundred years); he is chief editor of five international academic journals: pharmaceutical chemistry, microwave chemistry, comparative chemistry, interdisciplinary science letters, synthetic chemistry research. successively serves as the editorial board member of many academic journals such as chemical bulletin, chinese journal of pharmaceutical chemistry, scientific american chinese edition, chinese medical journal and journal of wuhan institute of technology. he put forward the regional theory of five parallel lines for the geographical distribution of china’s large earthquakes.
6) he successively launched or held a series of academic conferences, such as the “national rocket propellant academic conference”, “national conference on stealth functional materials”, “national conference on microwave chemistry, chinese chemical society”, “national conference on analytical sample preparation”, “national conference on chemistry in public safety”, and “international academic seminar on new drug development in the post-genome era”; on the basis of the control of sea, land and air, he proposed some new military scientific concepts, such as the control of sky, the control of electromagnetism, the control of net, the control of mind, the control of gold and the control of combination.
7) he successfully developed 7 series of high-tech new products in national defense (microwave chemistry series instruments, flying series health-care products, rocket propellant series protective equipments and rescue medicines, organophosphorus pesticide and neurochemical warfare agents poisoning prevention medicines, drugs and health-care food of reducing three major indexes (hypertension, hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia), and anti-terrorism series mobile equipments).
among them, a total of 19 trademarks of two categories were registered in the flying series health-care products, namely, 10 in space category: flying sky, space force, starry sky, shenzhou auspicious, uranus, neptune, phobos, europa, titan and junwang star; 9 in strengthening army category: qiangjunkang, mianerkang, gaiweikang, gailikang, juntaikang, junzhikang, juntangkang and junwangkang. especially two major categories of high-tech products, namley, xianghu series of microwave chemical instruments and flying (space) series health-care products, have been promoted to the military and civilian use, becoming a famous brand in china’s national industry and making significant military, economic and social benefits.
8) he vigorously advocates eight series of new interdisciplinary disciplines as shown below:
a) comparative theory series: in addition to comparative literature and comparative anatomy, he advocates comparative chemistry, comparative philosophy, comparative politics, comparative sociology, comparative biology, comparative anthropology, comparative archaeology, comparative history, comparative geography, comparative astronomy, comparative cosmology, comparative artificial intelligence study and comparative network study, etc.
b) combinatorial theory series: in addition to combinatorial mathematics, he advocates combinatorial chemistry, synergistic combinatorial chemistry, generalized combinatorial chemistry, combinatorial sociology, combinatorial biology, combinatorial instrumentation and combinatorial cosmology, etc.
c) unified theory series: apart from unified theories of physics and geometry (euclidean geometry), he also advocates unified theories of chemistry, biology and neuroscience, etc.
d) geo-(gold-)theory series: in addition to geopolitics, he advocates geo-anthropology, geo-biology, geo-linguistics, geo-economics, geo-sociology, geo-jurisprudence (comparative law), geo-military science, astrobiology, astroeconomics and gold-politics, etc.
e) mechanics series: apart from the traditional classical mechanics, namely newtonian mechanics, and analytical mechanics, namely lagrangian mechanics, electrodynamics, statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, material mechanics, and geological mechanics, etc., he advocates political mechanics, economic mechanics, social mechanics, psychological mechanics, military mechanics, cultural mechanics, etc.
f) thermodynamics series: economic thermodynamics, political thermodynamics, social thermodynamics, celestial thermodynamics and cosmic thermodynamics, etc.
g) network series: in addition to network warfare (cyber warfare and cyber space warfare), he advocates network sociology, network economics, network politics, neural networks, network computing, and network pharmacology, etc.
h) other series: sociobiology, bio-sociology, control theory, economic control theory, social control theory, biological control theory, social evolutionism, cultural evolutionism, social and cultural synergism, molecular sociology, molecular psychology, molecular gastronomy, the science of molecular cultural relics or molecular archaeology, etc.
besides, he has guided and trained a total of more than 88 postdoctoral, doctoral and postgraduate students, some of whom have studied abroad, and some of whom have grown into pillars of the socialist construction of the motherland.
9) he founds famous hu’s nine formulas, including hu’s formula (nmr), hu’s equation (asymmetric synthesis thermodynamic), hu’s inequality (microwave chemistry or catalytic chemistry), hu’s free energy equation (extraction and hydrometallurgy), hu’s near equilibrium equation (near equilibrium dynamics) and hu’s approximate equation (social biology), hu’s biological life calculation equation ( life biology), hu’s periodic element quantity calculation formula (chemical element periodic table), hu’s fourth law of psychological mechanics formula (psychology), etc.
in addition, he promotes and establishes 9 cosmological principles (the principle of universal self-rotation of the universe, the principle of universal formation, the principle of universal susceptibility, the principle of celestial droplets, the principle of universal relativity, the principle of universal incompleteness, the law of universal recurrence, the law of universal difference and generalized mach principle).
he has served as a professor in 9 institutions of higher learning: visiting professor of tsinghua university, and adjunct professor of huazhong university of science and technology, the third military medical university, kunming university of science and technology, southwest university for nationalities, qinghai university for nationalities, beijing technology and business university, professor of wuhan institute of technology, and specially appointed professor of capital normal university.
besides, he held positions in 9 academic societies: vice president of the chinese society for future military studies, vice president of chinese medicine and health-care research association, vice president of china’s analytical instruments society, deputy director of professional committee of public safety chemistry of chinese chemical society, member of applied chemistry discipline committee of chinese chemical society, deputy director of professional committee of microwave chemistry of chinese electronic society, deputy director of professional committee of microwave chemical application of chemical industry and engineering society of china, standing director of chinese chemical society, and standing director of china energy society.
10) he has published 10 books which are widely influential and quite popular with readers as compiler or editor, namely, collaborative combinatorial chemistry, comparative chemistry ─ building a bridge between quantum chemistry and molecular medicine, analysis sample preparation, an introduction to microwave health protection, introduction to safety science of rocket propellant for manned space engineering, rocket propellant damage emergency rescue project, aerospace and health, psychological warfare and anti-psychological warfare, opioid receptor molecular medicine and the strategy of anti-terrorism technology (the latter won the first prize of excellent publication award of china petroleum and chemical industry in 2014). besides, he writes catalytic synthesis and substituent effect in english.
he was invited to make academic speeches in the following ten units, which were warmly welcomed: jiuquan satellite launch center, taiyuan satellite launch center, xichang satellite launch center, the 23rd test and training base, the 31st test and training base, the 33rd test and training base, china astronaut scientific research and training center, beijing space city, air force medical research institute, and the third military medical university.
in addition, he was invited to make academic reports in the following 20 institutions of higher learning: tsinghua university, peking university, beijing university of technology, capital normal university, beijing industry and commerce university, tianjin university, wuhan university, wuhan institute of technology, hubei normal college, central south university for nationalities, chongqing university, guangxi university, guangzhou university, dalian nationalities university, qinghai university for nationalities, handan college, southwest university for nationalities, east china normal university, zhejiang ocean university, kunming university of science and technology, which are quite popular with teachers and students.
he was invited to give hundreds of exciting popular science lectures to the public (hundreds to thousands of people at a time) all over china.
he was invited to attend national academic conferences or international conferences for many times.
11) at the age of 18, he solved one of the world’s most difficult problems: he deduced the extreme number (138) of chemical elements in the universe.
at the age of 26, he solved two difficult chemical problems in the world: first, on the basis of summarizing 5 empirical rules of the chemical shift change of p-31 nuclear magnetic resonance, he established the new principle of symmetrical shielding effect of heavy nucleus and external electron cloud, and then established the calculation equation of chemical displacement of various organic phosphate ester p-31 nmr.
second, on the basis of the establishment of the bicyclic phosphate ester model, he successfully separated the polar and spatial effects of the substituent groups of organophosphorus compounds, solving the problem in the field of physical organic chemistry, and establishing the linear free energy relationship of metal ion separation by organic phosphate ester extraction.
at the age of 37, he solved the world puzzle how long human life expectancy could be extended. he argued that the ideal maximum life span of an individual human could be expected to 225 under the premise that the existing genetic structure was basically unchanged.
12) he won 2 items of the second prize of national scientific and technological progress award (ranking first), 3 items of the first prize of military science and technology progress award and the first prize of other provincial science and technology progress award or technical invention award (ranking first), a total of 9 items of the second prize of military science and technology progress award and the second prize of scientific and technological progress award endowed by the commission of science and technology for national defense, and 32 items of the third prize of military science and technology progress award.
he has published 616 academic papers in both chinese and english, and published 30 books, with the largest number of individual works and with the awards ranking first in the whole army. furthermore, he has obtained 35 national or national defense invention patents, successfully presided over the research and development of a number of high-tech products, which are deployed to relevant space forces and united nations peacekeeping forces.
he was awarded the outstanding youth chemistry award by chinese chemical society, wang tianjuan spectrum science award by chinese physical society, special government allowance, practical engineering award of “seeking truth” outstanding youth by china association for science and technology, the second prize of innovation of final assembly manned space engineering, and chinese scientist of the year, outstanding young scientist award.
the total value of the awards he gets from the state council, the central military commission and beijing municipal government exceeds that of two nobel prizes. additionally, he was awarded individual third-class merit once, individual second-class merit once and collective second-class merit twice.
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