

发布时间:2017-09-13 02:52

       开放存取(open access,简称oa)期刊作为学术出版界的一种全新模式,不断发展壮大,逐渐得到全球学术界的认同并成为各大搜索引擎和数据库收录的对象。为帮助研究人员和出版商更多地了解当前oa出版状况,开放存取图书馆(,简称oalib)于2017年1月首次发布了2016全球开放存取期刊排名(),并于2017年8月按最新google scholar metrics (june 2017)的数据发布了更新版,提供5200多本oa期刊的h5指数排名查询。



rankings journal title publisher h5-index
1. frontiers in psychology frontiers media s.a.
2. journal of clinical psychology john wiley and sons inc.
3. european journal of psychotraumatology co-action publishing
4. british journal of health psychology wiley-blackwell
5. psychological research springer verlag
6. international journal of psychology wiley-blackwell
7. british journal of developmental psychology wiley-blackwell
8. psychology scientific research publishing
9. universitas psychologica pontificia universidad javeriana
10. emerging adulthood sage publications ltd
11. british journal of mathematical and statistical psychology wiley-blackwell
12. sa journal of industrial psychology aosis
13. indian journal of psychological medicine medknow publications
14. psychosocial intervention elsevier
15. biopsychosocial medicine biomed central
16. psicologia: teoria e pesquisa universidade de brasilia
17. international journal of psychology and psychological therapy universidad de almeria
18. europe's journal of psychology psychopen
19. contemporary family therapy kluwer academic/human sciences press inc.
20. advances in cognitive psychology vizja press & it
21. revista de cercetare si interventie sociala editura lumen, asociatia lumen
22. bmc psychology biomed central
23. journal of social and political psychology psychopen
24. american journal of psychotherapy association for the advancement of psychotherapy inc.
25. international journal of psychological studies canadian center of science and education
26. psychology in russia: state of the art m.v. lomonosov moscow state university
27. health psychology and behavioral medicine taylor & francis group
28. international journal of psychological research universidad de san buenaventura
29. psihologijske teme faculty of arts and sciences in rijeka
30. psychologica belgica ubiquity press
31. psychological test and assessment modeling pabst science publishers
32. temas em psicologia sociedade brasileira de psicologia
33. international journal of comparative psychology international society for comparative psychology
34. psychology research david publishing
35. polish psychological bulletin de gruyter open
36. international j. of psychology and behavioral sciences scientific & academic publishing
37. open journal of medical psychology scientific research publishing
38. ljetopis socijalnog rada university of zagreb
39. psychological thought psychopen
40. journal of psychology & psychotherapy omics international
41. cogent psychology cogent oa
42. journal of turkish science education ekip buro makineleri a.s.
43. international journal of applied psychology scientific & academic publishing
44. journal of educational sciences & psychology petroleum-gas university of ploiesti
45. european journal of education and applied psychology “east west” association for advanced studies and higher education
46. advances in psychology hans publishers, inc. (hanspub, 汉斯)
47. paideia universidade of sao paulo, faculty of philosophy, languages and literature, and human sciences
48. gisap: psychological sciences international academy of science and higher education(iash)
49. counseling psychology and psychotherapy moscow state university of psychology and education

* the h5-index for this journal is calculated based on the citations statistics from google scholar.


